Keynote Speakers











































































Career Building
















“I just want to take a moment to say thank you for helping me to build my speaking activities and share the book with more people.”

Malcolm Gladwell
Best Selling Author & Keynote Speaker

“I have been a speaker for twenty years. I learned more in a few days of chatting with Mike Humphrey about how to command and stun and audience than I ever knew was possible. I now understand what part of speaking is craft and which part is Me.”

Jamie Mustard
Author, The Iconist: That Art and Science of Standing Out

“I have counted on Mike for years. He is one of the brightest minds and hardest workers in the speaking industry. I know I can count on him for good advice. If you are a speaker, he is an extremely valuable person to know.”

Rich Karlgaard
Publish, Forbes

“Speaking to college students is important to me, and I am thankful to you Michael for the work you do for me.”

Carl Sagan
Scientist, Author and Producer, Cosmos

“Mike helped convince me to be become a keynote speaker. He has been so supportive and a good friend”

Nancy Giordano
Strategic Futurist and Author, LEADERing

“Mike has been a wonderful manager, agent, and friend. I appreciate everything ha brings to the table to help keep my speaking career strong.”

Robert Safian
Former Editor-in Chief, Fast Company

“Thank you for putting this speaking tour together, it was a lot easier with your help.”

Oprah Winfrey
Chairwoman and CEO, OWN


Reinvent Your Promo Video

I call it the “COVID Effect”. Hundreds of thousands of conferences and meetings shifting from in-person to virtual (if not outright cancelling). This has devastated the speaking industry. Thankfully, we are already seeing conference producers make plans to bring back live events. However, it will be a very long time to see a return to the size and quantity of conferences from the pre-COVID era. 

Speakers must be anticipating the future needs of conference planners…Right Now!  Speaker bios, topics, and especially promo videos must reflect the solutions that event organizers will be demanding as the conference market continues to fluctuate

This is where Visual Breakthroughs come in. Run by Michael Humphrey, who has been a speaking industry executive for more than 30 years and is a professional videographer + digital marketing expert, our firm does more than shoot film.  We tap into your potential –– that thing that is uniquely special about you –– and we match that with the needs of conference producers to create the level of intriguing promotional material that make things happen. 

The team at Visual Breakthroughs has the expertise and experience you need to create impressive and affordable videos…videos that make you STAND OUT and be part of the solution.

Keynote Speakers Standing Out -

I read this article a few years back about the Five Steps to Making Great Sizzle Reels. The advice was good, though a little boilerplate. But it got me thinking that if everyone followed these five steps, every sizzle reel would look the same. And in my eyes, “same” is the enemy of “exceptional”.

My good friend and bestselling author Jamie Mustard loves to talk about the economics of attention. In a world that overwhelms us with content every day, what is the economic value of standing out, capturing attention, and being seen as exceptional?

Let’s start by throwing out the outdated term “sizzle reel”. Instead, we begin by delving into what is authentic about you as a speaker and a person. When we connect with those things that make you likable and believable, we find the segments of your speech content that captures that authenticity. Only then do we create a video that is custom built to promote you and share what is truly exceptional about you to the world.

Mike Humphrey
Visual Breakthroughs

Video Examples

Promo Video for Keynote Speaker

When creating videos to highlight thought-leaders like Jamie Mustard, we want to include enough video footage to allow people to fully absorb the importance of the content. 

This was filmed at the US Special Forces Headquarters at Ft. Bragg.  We edited a complete 42 minute version and this more compact 12 minute promo.

Keynote Speakers Ad

Nextup Speakers wanted a fast paced, exciting, business focused video to promote it’s roster of speakers. We used film clips that showed a sense of pace and passion from the speakers.

Including the time it took to adjust the animation, this video took a day to produce. 

Interview Video

This video was produced a month into the COVID Emergency, with Dr. Taryn Stejskal, one of the most talented leadership authorities I have ever met. I believe we captured her work on resilience with a perfect mood for the times.

We filmed this in less than one hour, and this video was completed in one day.

Speech Video

Sometimes it pays to create something that simply showcases the amazing talent of a great speaker, like the brilliant Robert Safian. A video like this allows the passion and storytelling to be the primary focus for event planners. 

Book Promotion Video

This video was the perfect mix of mood, animation and pacing to discuss a truly fascinating idea. Jaime Mustard performed perfectly to create the drama and intrigue that was required. Absolutely one of my favorites.

Digital Marketing


Social media and digital communications should always…ALWAYS…be about building meaningful connections. We believe that successful long-term speaking careers are based on P2P — Person to Person — and the trust that is built from engaging with the people who produce the events.

Our goal is to demystify (and de-geek) digital marketing and put the power back in your hands. We will help you select which marketing tools you should use, which content works best for you, and how to manage your marketing strategy effectively and affordably, always with the goal of building your speaking brand and creating more paid speaking activities. 


Digital Marketing -

Building and Reinventing Careers 

With more than three decades of speaking industry experience, we can help you reach your goals of both building your own successful career as a paid keynote speaker or reinventing your career in the post-COVID era.

We help you build your successful, long term speaking career that you control. From developing effective content, to mapping powerful marketing strategies, to growing profitable sales operations.

Start today and contact us to learn more.